Oct 28, 2022
SPAS 12 Project Store Back...ish
I've just added some items back to the online store, not a ton but enough that I can keep up with. I'd like to provide an explanation as...

Aug 27, 2021
Online store sales suspended
Hello SPAS 12'ers! I'm faced with a new opportunity that involves an out-of-state move. There are plenty of personal upsides, but one...

Jun 8, 2021
Nationwide Materials Shortage
I just received word that due to the Ice Storms this year in Texas, there is now a material shortage (like everything else on earth,...

Chris L
Jan 4, 2021
Shirts and Stickers Are Back!
We're excited to announce the launch of a TeeSpring powered shop specifically for fun stuff like shirts and stickers! We haven't offered...

Chris L
Jun 11, 2018
The SPAS 12 Shot Diverter Video
New video up! It's been about a year since the last one, but was excited to get out and film some new stuff. The shot diverter is such...