Dec 30, 2013
SPAS 12's Now In 3D!
This Christmas a family member became the proud owner of a new Makerbot 2x 3D printer. The awesome news is he's been so kind as to...

Dec 14, 2013
Guess What's Coming...
If you need one of these, you already know what it is. Yes, indeed. Old-style buffers are on coming very soon. I just got this first...

Dec 12, 2013
The Choke N' Poke
Some of you may have gotten these little guys with your SPAS 12's and wondered just what the heck it is. A can opener? A divot removal...

Dec 7, 2013
The Coolest Email You'll Read All Day
Contributor Cole C., amongst his countless other contributions to this project, wanted to share this with everyone: A former executive...

Dec 4, 2013
New Stuff On The Way
Some great new content has been flooding in lately! There are some awesome new (to us!) ads posted in the info section, as well as some...