Mar 31, 2015
Gallery Update
The Gallery section is now going to be updated much more frequently, hopefully with several new pictures each week. I've converted it to...

Mar 29, 2015
The Formidable SPAS 12 Shotgun
Found a great article about the SPAS 12 written by Mr. Art Blatt back in 1983! He does a great job illustrating both the guns positives...

Mar 19, 2015
The SPAS 12's of Jurassic Park
In excitement for the release of Jurassic World I've been watching a lot of the original movies lately, which has got me on a bit of a...

Mar 6, 2015
How-To: Install the Combat Bolt Release
Seeing the oversized/Combat Bolt Releases popping up on Gunbroker and eBay but not sure you can handle the install? It's not that bad! ...