If you can an item to cart, it is in stock and ready to ship unless otherwise noted as a pre-order.
Other questions? Read the Store FAQ!

Store FAQ
Q. Does this website share any other affiliation with any other SPAS 12 website?
A. NO! This website started in October of 2013, in an effort to get SPAS 12 parts to owners of this shotgun when it was believed that all other sources had dried up. Anything on the Internet mentioned about any SPAS 12 website *before* 2013 is *not* this website or group of owners/contributors. Since the beginning of this website all orders have been processed and shipped in a reasonable window and there have been 0 disputes or unsatisfied people in that time. Any resemblance or name similarity is coincidental.
Q. Will you ship internationally?
A. In accordance with United States ITAR regulation, the SPAS 12 Project will NOT export any defense related articles.
Q. When will my order ship?
A. Since late 2019 I have been slammed - shipping is still a one-man show and I do my very best to get everything their items quickly, I know you have a SPAS you're itching to shoot! It may be a week before I can get them shipped out. I typically update the facebook page with current lead times. Weekends are typically when I pull shipping operations.
Q. I asked for/you sent me the wrong piece!
A. Contact me and I'll send you the right one, no big deal. This doesn't happen often, but we're all human.
Q. I have another question!
A. Fantastic! I love to answer any questions I can. Please send me an email (support@spas-12.com) and I will try and get back to you as soon as I possibly can! In the mean time, check out the INFO section and see if your question already has an answer posted!