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Online store sales suspended


Hello SPAS 12'ers!

I'm faced with a new opportunity that involves an out-of-state move. There are plenty of personal upsides, but one downside is my ability to process, pack and ship orders in a timely manner and I will not ever be a person who is comfortable taking money for products on questionable timelines. Even before this move it's been taking several weeks to get orders out between material shortages and delays, while also juggling professional and family time.

The site will still function as normal, the videos aren't going anywhere either, only the online store is affected temporarily. All orders currently placed will be shipped - and soon. I will put other remaining inventory up on Gunbroker.

I want to thank everyone who has been so patient when receiving their orders. To those of you who understand that one person hand-making parts for a long-gone, much-beloved shotgun is entirely different than ordering from Amazon Prime, I truly hope you get everything you want for Christmas.

Thanks for understanding!



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